Four months ago, I had a restorative justice dialogue with the man who murdered my father. The meeting was a profound experience and, surprisingly, was filled with a lot of love. Meeting Herbert was such a gift. It was a testament to what is possible for us as human beings. We can change, we can heal, and beneath all the madness, we are fundamentally good. Much of what we will learn in this course is what allowed me to meet Herbert with love and see who he is beneath the tragic choices he made 27 years ago.

I feel it is so important to share some of these tools with you because we do indeed live in chaotic times. Everywhere we turn, we find profound divisiveness. Many of us feel weighted by the burdens of a complex and divisive world with no foreseeable solution. 

As human beings, each of us can be a portal to life-transforming compassion, yet often, we become overwhelmed by the suffering in the world and shut down instead. As I reflect on my time with Herbert, I am struck with our potential and the realities of what we become when someone cuts us off on the road or disagrees with us.

This course is designed to shorten the gap between our deeper human potential and how we show up in the world. Yes, it will support your state practice, but the emphasis is on showing up in the world with virtue and compassion.

In this course, we will explore our place as human beings in the stream of the kosmic whole and draw out the soul of our uniquely human gift, torchbearers of compassion. To do this, you will learn widely unknown layers of depth illuminated by Eastern wisdom. We will explore some essential distinctions for each layer, including the symbolism within their Chinese character. After each layer is introduced, we will enter into a practice that draws upon the great meditative traditions and insights from shadow work technologies. By the end of the course, you will have an effective practice that enables you to show up in the world with wholeness, virtue, and compassion. Even when under stress!

I gave an abbreviated version of this course at the Integral Conference of North America and felt it was too important to do once. In this online format, I can go more deeply into the material, and you can have a place to return to to deepen your practice over time. A course like this should be at a higher price point, given the time it took to prepare, deliver, and edit it. But I feel it is too important and needs to be accessible to as many of us as possible. So, please share widely and freely, and I look forward to connecting with you on the inside.

Check Out an Introduction to the Course

In this video, Alexander shares an overview of the course. Take a look!

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Ancient Wisdom

In this course, you will learn widely unknown teachings about human depth and potential. Alexander draws upon Classical Chinese wisdom to reveal four layers of depth that support us in awakening to our deeper human potential.


You will have access to a private online community forum where you can interact with your peers and ask Alexander questions about the course material. Learn through collective exploration without social media ads or algorithms!


The teachings and practices within this course are transmission-based, which means you will learn through direct experience. Yes, you will learn about new ideas, but more importantly, this course helps you awaken to your soul and ineffable qualities of compassion.

What is Humanity's Potential?

For the last three decades, I have held the question: Are we good? After losing my father, my heart felt broken, and I wasn't sure if I believed in humanity. It does indeed seem like we cause a lot of harm to one another. And yet, over the years, when I look deeply into the soul of humanity, I see deep, essential goodness. Every time. I even saw this within Herbert, the man who murdered my father. His heart is deeply good. As I walked through this world with this question, I began to study with various teachers in healing, medicine, and spirituality, and in time, discovered that our essential nature is filled with compassion and virtue. These dimensions of being can transform our sense of separation, which is always the reason behind causing harm. The character you see on the left is an image translated as compassion (Artist: Marlow Brooks). The symbols within this image holds deep meaning and offers clues as to what true compassion is and how it is a process of alchemical transmutation. In this course, we will follow a pathway into increasing degrees of depth and ultimately find ourselves in an infinite ocean of love that has the power to transform suffering for ourselves and those we interact with. After all these years, with all the pain and suffering inside of me and humanity, I am convinced that we are good and that with the right practices, we can fulfill our potential and bring an enduring, luminous light to an aching, tormented world. Join me in exploring practical tools to assess and bring forth our true human potential for the sake of our own transformation and more importantly, for the sake of everyone we encounter.

Meet Your Instructor

Alexander M. Love, PCC, is an internationally renowned facilitator, developmental coach, and acupuncturist. He is the creator of the Lumina Process, a coaching modality that integrates parts work, Eastern wisdom, Integral theory, and polarity work into a model of practice that evokes deep-seated transformation. Alexander is senior faculty at the Newfield Network and facilitates Newfield’s US coach training and their advanced training in Chile. His forthcoming book, Evolutionary Gestures, will be a ground-breaking tome for the integral community, inviting us to understand development in the context of kosmic wholeness vs. a linear stair-step approach to development. Alexander’s work offers a unique, embodied transmission of the intersection between growing up, waking up, cleaning up, and showing up. He emphasizes the embrace of fragmentation as a pathway to wholeness.

Check Out Course Curriculum!

  Welcome to your course!
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  Chapter I
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  Chapter II: Layer One
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  Chapter III: Layer Two
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  Chapter IV: Layer Three
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  Chapter V: The Luminous Fabric
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  Chapter IV: Conclusion
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