Free 30 Minute Conversation

Take the Next Step to Transform Your Life

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Alexander offers a 30 minute one-on-one conversation to those who are serious about their healing & personal transformation. This conversation is a time to share what you are currently wanting support with and to ask him any questions you may have about his coaching and/or acupuncture practice. This conversation is a time for both you and Alexander to get clear if working together in a one-on-one setting is the best fit for you and your journey.

If you have been considering coaching or acupuncture, set up a free 30 minute conversation today!

When you do, you will receive a bonus gift of two meditations that explore transformative wellness & courage.

Your Instructor

Alexander Love
Alexander Love

Alexander Love is the founder of the eōs learning collective, renowned inspirational speaker, acupuncturist & coach. With gentleness, lightness and depth, he invites us to contact our spiritual depth & potency for the sake of making positive impact in the world. Alexander, does not settle for superficial instruction. He is committed to you deeply embodying his teachings so that they become your own. For medicine to be effective & powerful, it must go beyond simply sharing data. He believes it must include the transmission of living depth, which is why Alexander has revolutionized online learning, with the goal of giving practitioners all over the world greater skills and access to their own inner awakening. Alexander Love is also the developer of Evolutionary Craniosacral Therapy & Developmental Acupuncture- two modalities that integrate ancient wisdom with modern scientific discoveries while being held within an Integral context. Alexander has been helping people transform their lives for two decades, serving people locally at his Wellness Clinic in Boulder, Colorado; and, internationally through online courses and virtual coaching.

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